Theocharis Panagiotis Charalampidis

Corfu, Greece

Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.


Ionian University

Undergraduate Student
Informatics - Information Systems Track

Graduation expected in 2022

October 2018 - Present


IEEE Student Branch of Ionian University

Web Developer
Web Development Committee

Took initiative to provide the organisation with a link tree-type website (see here), embedded as a QR code in our event posters, in order to boost our online presence. On top of that, I am developing the main website of the organisation utilising collaborative tools (such as Git,Github,Trello).

Public Relations Committee

Interviewed people interested in volunteering within the organisation, helping them choose the committee that interested them the most.

August 2021 - Present


Programming Languages & Tools


Former saxophonist, novice pastry chef (term used loosely, though I do have plenty of experience baking), often I grab my camera and shoot things I find interesting.

When forced indoors, I enjoy watching things like old shows on TV, new shows on Netflix. I listen to music nearly all day (usually some flavor of pop) and I occasionally read books.